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Symptoms and conditions

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Pain relief

Personne souffrant de douleur dans le haut du dos

Pain is serious.   And relieving it is a big business.  Those who suffer from pain spend billions seeking its relief.  In fact, pain is often what prompts people to visit our practice.

But pain is rarely the problem!

Naturally, if you’re experiencing pain, you want it to go away.  And while you can expect our compassion, we’re interested in correcting the cause of your pain.  


One purpose of pain is to warn us of limitation.

For example:


If you bend your fingers backwards, your body will alert you when you reach the limit of its range of motion.


This warning protects us so that we can avoid a more serious injury.

Personne faisant stop avec ses mains

Living without pain may sound good, but pain is essential for our well-being.

Pain communicates

Pain is also a way the wisdom of your body communicates with its owner: you

It can signal that something needs your attention.  Headaches.  Spasms.  Tingling.  Aches and pain alert you that something is amiss and needs correction.  First, your body will gently whisper to warn you.

Unheeded, it speaks with greater urgency.  If ignored, it may escalate into full-fledged shouting!

When your body talks it’s wise to pay attention.


"Maybe it will go away ..."

Because we are self healing, problems can resolve on their own.  

And that’s often true with stomach aches, a cold and other conditions.  But pain involving the bones, nerves and muscles along the spinal column is different. 

Personne se demandant si ses symptômes de douleurs vont disparaître d'eux-mêmes

When joints of your spine malfunction, your body responds by depositing calcium to splint and “mend” the spinal joint.


With time, if left uncorrected, the two bones may fuse together, reducing mobility, producing nerve tension and loss of vitality.

One problem can lead to another.


Pain prompts many to take a pill to reduce it.

But numbing your body with a pain reliever doesn’t make the problem go away.  It’s still there.  The drug merely fools your body so you can’t feel it.  

For a while. 


Over time, the dosage must be increased to quiet your body’s outcry.  Besides possible addiction, it can lead to far more serious problems.  

As your body tries to eliminate the medicine it sees as a foreign substance, kidney and liver damage may result.  Even stomach bleeding.


Using a drug to fool your body’s warning system may be convenient, but dangerous.


Our strategy is to address the underlying problem with safe and natural chiropractic adjustments.


Many see a chiropractor for neck and back pain.  But the pain isn’t our primary focus. Instead, as spinal joints move better and nervous system function improves, the self-healing capacity of your body is revived.

Symptoms subside. Naturally.

Because the focus of chiropractic care is the integrity of your nervous system, many continue their care on a wellness basis.  It helps them stay well after they get well.

What does pain mean to you?

The purpose of pain is to protect us.  It’s a way our body tells us to stop, change or avoid something.  It’s rarely the entire problem.  


A thorough examination can help determine its cause and correction.  If we can help, we’ll tell you.  If we can’t, we’ll refer you to someone who can.

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With Dr Chouinard, chiropractor, you are in good hands!

Chiropractic is a team approach to better health.  As you enjoy results, tell those you love.  


Explain how millions enjoy relief and better heath by restoring the integrity of their spines and nervous system with safe and natural chiropractic care.

Photo du Dr Denis Moïse Chouinard, Chiropraticien

 It's Safe and natural

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15 Rue Du Barry, suite 201

Gatineau QC J8T 5Y6


Monday, Wednesday and Thursday:

8h30-12h00 and 15h00-18h00


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9h00-12h00 and 13h00-15h00


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