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What distinguishes the chiropractor from other health professionals is that he looks for interference in the nervous system, more particularly the neuro-musculoskeletal system, and all chiropractors check the spine because the nervous system passes through there. The interferences sought are commonly referred to as "Vertebral Subluxation" or vertebral dysfunction complex.


Like the separate notes of a musical bands, a subluxation can simultaneously involve joints, nerves, muscles, soft tissues and degenerative changes.

Distorted Communications between your brain and your body may cause all kinds of health problems.


You have over 200 bones in your body.  Whenever two bones at a joint come together, there can be movement.  Since joints in your spine are so close to your spinal cord and nerve roots, too much or too little joint motion can have serious effects.

If spinal bones get “Stuck” and don’t move, they can irritate or “chafe” delicate nerves.  If a joint moves too much, spinal bones can press against adjacent nerve tissue.  This can interfere with the vital “Life force” transmitted over your nervous system that helps keep your brain in touch with your body.

The result is the vertebral subluxation complex, or more simply, a subluxation.

More than bones and nerves are involved.  Muscles can become too tight or too weak. Disc, ligaments, and other connective tissues can become inflamed.  Bone spurs and arthritic degeneration can set in.

Your chiropractic doctor is the only licensed health professional dedicated to the detection, reduction, and prevention of spinal subluxation.

Causes of subluxation

There are three basic causes of subluxations. Subluxations can be caused by physical trauma, chemical toxins or emotional stress.  

However, the most important aspect of a subluxation is its effect on your nervous system.  Compromising the way your nervous system controls and regulates your body can have unhealthy consequences.  Distorted communications between your brain and body can cause all kinds of health problems beyond just headaches and backaches.

Subluxations are serious!

Illustration d'une personne tombant dans les marches


Physical causes

  • Slips and falls

  • Accidents

  • Repetitive motions

  • Improper lifting

  • Childbirth

Illustration d'une personne stressée


Emotional causes

  • Stress

  • Anger

  • Fear

  • Anguish

Illustration de malbouffe


Chemical causes

  • Pollution

  • Drugs, alcohol

  • Poor diet

How do I know I have a subluxation?

You can have subluxation and not even know it.  Like tooth decay or cancer, subluxations can be present before any warning signs appear.   


The result of a thorough examination can show the location and severity of any subluxations you may have.

Can Subluxations clear up on their own?

Sometimes. Today’s hectic lifestyles are a constant source of subluxations.  Fortunately, our bodies can self-correct many of these minor problems as we bend and stretch, or when we sleep at night.  When subluxations don’t resolve, you need a chiropractic doctor!

Can children get subluxations?

Your first subluxation probably occurred from the birth process. Even “modern” childbirth methods can put tremendous pressure on an infant’s spine.

Poor appetite, unexplained crying, and sleeplessness may be signs of subluxations.


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With Dr Chouinard, chiropractor, you are in good hands!

Chiropractic is a team approach to better health.  As you enjoy results, tell those you love.  


Explain how millions enjoy relief and better heath by restoring the integrity of their spines and nervous system with safe and natural chiropractic care.

Photo du Dr Denis Moïse Chouinard, Chiropraticien

 It's Safe and natural

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15 Rue Du Barry, suite 201

Gatineau QC J8T 5Y6


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8h30-12h00 and 15h00-18h00


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