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Back pain

Pain is a warning sign.  Like the piercing sound from a smoke alarm, the alarm isn’t the problem.


The alarm has a cause, just like every ache or pain has a cause.  Some people choose to cover up the pain instead of correcting the cause.  What’s your approach?

It makes sense to correct the cause instead of treating the symptoms.

Colonne vertébrale identifiant la zone du dos

The causes

The nerve-rich facet joints on the back side of each spinal bone are common cause of back pain.  


If these pairs of interlocking “fingers” aren’t moving right, they can cause painful symptoms.

The disc between spinal bones can be a source of back pain, too.  These rings of fibrous tissues act as spacers, connectors and “shock absorbers” for the spine.  Trauma can cause the soft, pulpy material in the middle to bulge or herniate, putting pressure on delicate nearby nerves.

Will I have to live with back pain?

Once you know the cause, you have several choices.  

Douleurs au dos


One approach is bed rest.  But research shows that prolonged bed rest can actually delay recovery and make the problem worse!


Physical therapy is another option.  But exercising spinal joints that aren’t working right is like continuing to drive your car with misaligned tires!


Another choice is to numb or cover up the pain with drugs.  While drugs can offer temporary relief, they can’t correct functional problems of affected spinal joints.


The most dramatic measure is surgery. A laminectomy cuts the offending facet joints, removing the spinous processes to widen the central canal.  A spinal fusion cuts out the disc tissue and immobilizes the joint.  

While there may be times when surgery makes sense, it’s expensive, risky and more than half of all back surgeries fail.  

Better yet, chiropractic is safe.  Chiropractic is natural.  And chiropractic looks to correct the underlying cause of the problem.

What if my insurance won’t pay for chiropractic care?

Insurance companies make two mistakes by limiting or denying coverage.  

  1. First, they ignore current research showing the superiority of chiropractic care in these types of cases.

  2. Plus, they overlook the lower cost and higher patient satisfaction enjoyed with chiropractic care.  

Illustration assurance pour les soins chiropratiques

We offer ways to make chiropractic care affordable for just about anyone.

How long does it take for chiropractic to work?

Patient results vary depending upon many factors.  

  • How long have you had your problem?  

  • Do you keep your appointments? 

  • Are you getting the proper rest, exercise and nutrition?

  • Are you in otherwise good health?  

Within a short period of time most patients sense enough progress to justify completing our recommendations.

Will I need chiropractic care forever?

After patients get the relief they want, many choose to continue with some type of periodic care.  These chiropractic “checkups” can help support the final stages of healing and help detect and resolve new problems before they become serious.  

How long you want to receive chiropractic care is up to you.

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With Dr Chouinard, chiropractor, you are in good hands!

Chiropractic is a team approach to better health.  As you enjoy results, tell those you love.  


Explain how millions enjoy relief and better heath by restoring the integrity of their spines and nervous system with safe and natural chiropractic care.

Photo du Dr Denis Moïse Chouinard, Chiropraticien

 It's Safe and natural

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