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Pain in extremities

The chiropractic approach that works so well with the spine can be applied to other joints of the body. Virtually every articulation of your skeletal system is susceptible to fixations that can impair function and range of motion.  


Trauma, micro-traumas, vibrations and repetitive motions can produce joint problems throughout the body.  

Chiropractic care can help.

Douleur au poignet

Can you stop the pain in my wrist?


For example, Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a common result of repetitive motion to abnormally functioning joints of the spine, arm and wrist.

Making sure every joints of your body is moving right!

Chiropractic works by restoring proper motion of spinal bones and reducing nerve irritation.  Other joints in the body can lose their normal motion and position as well.  When chiropractic techniques are applied, range of motion can be improved, and painful inflammation reduced. 

Without drugs or surgery!


Stress, teeth grinding and spinal problems can cause TMJ (Temporo- Mandibular Joint) disorders where your jaw connects to your skull.  


You can feel the joint move by placing your fingers in front of your ears and opening your mouth.

Douleur à la mâchoire

Skilled chiropractic care can restore proper nervous system control of involved muscles and ligaments, reducing pain, stiffness, clicking sounds or locked jaw.


Douleur à l'épaule

Many shoulder problems originate in the area where the nerves branch from the spinal cord and exit the neck.  


Shoulder pain or pain radiating down the arm can be accompanied by weakness, numbness or tingling in the wrists or hands.  


Many patients report dramatic improvement with chiropractic care.


Classic tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is a repetitive strain injury that often afflict the dominate arm.  


It is seen among carpenters, mechanics, office workers, cashiers and those who perform repeated hammering, grasping and rotary forearm motions.

Douleur au coude


Douleur au poignet

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is usually due to compression of the median nerve as it passes through the band of ligaments in the wrist.  


In many cases, the underlying cause is a misalignment of one or more joints of the neck, shoulder, elbow or wrist.  Identifying the involved joint (s) and beginning a program of chiropractic care can often help avoid surgery.


The hip bones and sacrum, considered the “pelvic girdle,” are the foundation of your spine.  These sacroiliac joints can affect nerves exiting the spine.  Chiropractic adjustments to the hips can produce excellent results.

Douleur à la hanche


Douleur à la cheville

The ankle is the most frequently injured joint in the body.  “Pronation” in which the feet flare outward and kneecaps rotate inward, is the most common foot problem.  


When weak arches cause the bones of the foot to drop to an unstable position, stress on the foot increases.  

Adjusting malfunctioning joints of the feet, combined with custom shoe orthotics, can reduce tenderness, improve your gait and stabilize the entire skeletal system.

more than 200 bones and joints

While many health problems can be traced to the spine, other joints of the body can be involved.  Chiropractic care has produced delighted patients by improving function without drugs or surgery.

Virtually all of the more than 200 bones and associated joints and articulations in the body can lose their normal motion or position.


Can chiropractic help the bone spurs in my feet?

Bone spurs and other arthritic changes to joints in the feet, hands or spine are the body’s response to long-standing malfunction.


Restoring proper joint function is thought to slow or stop this degenerative process.

Does cracking your knuckles cause damage?

Studies suggest that knuckle cracking does not damage the metacarpal joints of the hand.  


Since there is danger of overextending already loose knuckle joints, mobilizing these and other joints of the body is best left to an experienced chiropractor.

Should I be wearing a wrist brace?

A brace is often prescribed to help protect the wrist and reduce mobility. 


While it may alleviate certain symptoms, it virtually ignores the malfunctioning joints causing the problems.  


The chiropractic approach is to help restore proper motion to affected joints and strengthen supporting muscles and soft tissues.  While this may require some type of ongoing supportive care, many patients are able to resume their activities without bracing.

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With Dr Chouinard, chiropractor, you are in good hands!

Chiropractic is a team approach to better health.  As you enjoy results, tell those you love.  


Explain how millions enjoy relief and better heath by restoring the integrity of their spines and nervous system with safe and natural chiropractic care.

Photo du Dr Denis Moïse Chouinard, Chiropraticien

 It's Safe and natural

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15 Rue Du Barry, suite 201

Gatineau QC J8T 5Y6


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8h30-12h00 and 15h00-18h00


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