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Spinal deterioration - Vertebral degeneration
Your body adapts to uncorrected spinal (disco-vertebral) stress by depositingcalcium in affected joints. As if the body tries to repair a broken bone, it tries to "fix" the defective spinal joint by joining the two segments together.
We call this slow, relentless, degenerative process“arthrosis or vertebral-spinal deterioration. »
Like tooth decay, early detection of spinal deterioration can help prevent painful symptoms and permanent damage.
Spinal decay is a degenerative process that worsens with time. If neglected or simply ignored, this crippling condition quietly progresses, without obvious symptoms.
It starts with some type of uncorrected trauma to the spine. A slip or fall. A car accident. Learning to walk. Even the birth process may be responsible!
What are the causes?
The first "phase"
The first “phase” of spinal decay is revealed as a loss of proper spinal curve or a reduced ability to turn and bend. Other areas of the spine often compensate, starting a chain reaction of health problems.
The SECOND "phase"
Left uncorrected, the body responds by depositing calcium onto the affected joints surfaces, ligaments and connective tissues. This second phase of decay is the result of the body’s attempt to stabilize and “splint” the malfunctioning spinal joint.
As with high blood pressure or cancer, pain or other obvious symptoms are often absent.
The Third "phase"
In the third phase of spinal decay, the integrity of the spine has become permanently compromised.
The associated neurological damage can contribute to some of the chronic health problems seen in the elderly. Years have passed since the original event that set his tragic, yet preventable, process in motion.
Unaware of the serious damage that is occurring, many allow their problem to worsen.
Chiropractic care
The purpose of chiropractic care is to locate areas of the spine that are not working right and use specific “adjustments” to improve its function and structure. This simple but powerful intervention has helped millions avoid the crippling effects of spinal decay.
Can spinal decay be reversed?
When spinal decay is detected at an early stage, chiropractic intervention can produce remarkable benefits.
In Phase 1 cases, many patients see the restoration of spinal curves and improved mobility.
Chiropractic care at later stages shows promise, but results vary from patient to patient.
Isn’t this just part of the normal aging process?
Because spinal decay is often (but not always) seen in the elderly, some people are misled into believing that it is merely part of the aging process.
Not true. It seems clear that it is the result of long-standing uncorrected spinal stress.